Monday, February 10, 2025
3:30 PM
357 W. Chicago Ave. Chicago, IL

Rally at 33 Realty

Join the Belden Sawyer Tenant Association as we bring our fair lease negotiations to Drew Millard’s, 33 Realty’s and Concord Capital’s doorstep.

Drew Millard told reporters that he intends to meet with our union, but he has ignored multiple requests to schedule a meeting. We’re going to make things convenient and bring the negotiation table right to the front door of his offices.

Millard and his associated companies threaten to aggressively expand their luxury development efforts within the next year, targeting 650 multi-family units for luxury conversions, which will displace hundreds of families.

During a citywide housing crisis, luxury realty expansion continues to price gouge neighborhoods, destroy historic properties, and remove people from their homes. Enough is enough.

Access: Via Purple and Brown lines. Walk 5 minutes west from the Chicago stop.

Via Red Line. Walk 15 minutes west from the Chicago stop.

Via 66 eastbound bus to Franklin stop.

Via 66 westbound bus to Hudson stop.


Saturday, January 25, 2025
1:00 PM
2257 N. Sawyer Ave. Chicago, IL

Rally for renters’ rights

Join BSTA members, neighbors, local organizations, and elected officials as we fight to stay in our home. 33 Realty and 2257 N Sawyer LLC are determined to unfairly displace us, but we aren’t backing down.

Come out to say NO to corporate developers taking over Logan Square and unfairly displacing working-class Chicagoans.

Access: Take the Blue Line to the Logan Square stop, use the Kedzie exit and walk 10 minutes south.

Take the 76 (Diversey) bus to the Logan Square Blue Line and walk 10 minutes south.

Take the 82 (Kimball) bus to the Belden stop and walk 3 minutes east.

Take the 74 (Fullerton) bus to the Kedzie stop and walk 3 minutes south.

Take the 72 (Armitage) bus to the Sawyer stop and walk 5 minutes north.

Street parking is free, but limited.